‘Member Those Foreign Kids?

From “this” post?


Well, how about I saw them yesterday?

Once again, another long day at work (it felt like) what with being drowned with early-very early- Christmas music, rap, and techno music, there I was with a subtle headache organizing to the best of my abilities. Listening and running what seemed like errands for every random customer that approached me, trying to be a good sport because of not wanting to get reported again. It’s only been twice since I worked there and I’ve had many rave about me, but still. Those two negativities seem to always stick to ya.

The day started draggish. Bus was thirty minutes late which means I didn’t have enough time to get to the Food Court to dish out for my usual plate of Sesame chicken with fried rice from the chinese people or even for a meatball marinara from subway. Great. Hence the light headache that wasn’t being helped with Sia’s Titanium (though I do love that song!) It was after my break though, when they came. I was feeling good with my greasy lips that were still tasting the syrup of Sesame Chicken, and as I was getting ready to get back on track again, I notice a lady headed towards me with a stroller. I didn’t even see the kids, all I’m thinking is…

‘okay, she’s gonna need the handicap room’…

But she didn’t want a room. She was like “Hi! We’ve been looking for you!” and at first, my face was all twisted (mentally) like ‘what??’, but then I looked down to see the little girl with that same big ol’ smile and my heart just melted. Really? [cue grandma voice] Ya’ll came all the way back to see lil’ old me? [/exit grandma] That’s when the mother was like, “We were walking around the mall and my daughter kept asking ‘where’s my friend?’ and so we came here to see you!”.


AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! I can’t even explain how much that brightened my day, my whole week! People. From a whole ‘notha country. I’ve never met in my life. Probably won’t see too many times again. Remember me? From two weeks ago? Okay, so people ain’t all bad. Actually, I’m not all bad. Kay it may not be the one million views on a Youtube video or a crowd of people cheering for my awesome piano performance (still working on that one) or a high paying job or anything. But, it made my day. I mean, you know how you have some days where you wonder if you matter at all to anyone? Wondering if you affect anyone, if you inspire anyone, if you leave a resonating question with people? Are you interesting enough to be in society or are you just there? I’ve been feeling like I’ve been just….here. But on so many different occasions this week, I am being shown that I am not just here. Whatever my reason to inspire is, it’ll come out eventually. In a world of rushed life, it’s easy to feel like you’re moving too slow for people.

But the way I see it, everything naturally happens gradually. As you age, lose weight, gain weight, enhance a special talent or skill, hair growth, nail growth, whatever. When it occurs naturally, it always takes time. And usually natural things are the best things in my opinion. So keep it natural, and keep inspiring.



Peace and Positivity
~Mskraizy ♥